Process Automation with BPM
WorkFlow with Digital Signatures
Process Automation
with BPM
WorkFlow with
Digital Signatures
Does your company still operate business at paper speed?
Choose the right tool and allow processes and documents to circulate freely,
reducing reliance on manual processes.
Our PortalFlex® software helps your company to deploy digital processes.
Draw workflows and automate company processes, signatures and documents.

Digital Processes
Be able to send, receive and consume information at web speed. Provide your customer with a complete digital experience by connecting all stages of a process from start to finish.
Draw WorkFlows
Design, model and automate your company's process flows without the need for programming.
Automate Quickly
PortalFlex® is able to connect with any management system quickly integrating processes, signatures and documents within your company.
Focus on Process Management
Manage which step a certain process has been found, identifying points where delays occur, eliminating the bureaucracy and slowness
End to end Digital Processes
Be able to send, receive and consume information at web speed.
Provide your customer with a complete digital experience by connecting all stages of a process
from start to finish.
University enrollment, bank financing, purchase approval or even a contract between the parties, let your customers free themselves from exhaustive and manual processes using PortalFlex®.
1. Analysis of the Current Process
Our specialized consultancy, composed of Certified Process Engineers,
performs the mapping of the current process in your company, aiming at the complete detailing
of the process as it is today.(As-Is)
2. Modeling the New Process
The old process (As-Is) is redesigned, giving rise to a new proposed process (To-Be), allowing the standardization of the flow of activities, documents, forms and signatures. Integrations between systems can occur through the use of our API.
3. Implementation of the Automated Process
Redesigned process, it's time to make the online environment available so that employees, customers and suppliers,
in a unified way, start to visualize the information of their
processes and documents through a simple and intuitive interface.
Process Automation in 3 steps
Say goodbye to the pen
Does your process flow require the collection of signatures from one or more people?
You can do it quickly and automatically on PortalFlex®.
Our software allows the documents of a process to be signed with electronic signature or digital certificate,ensuring legal validity.
University enrollment, bank financing, purchase approval or even a contract between the parties.
If your process flow requires the collection of signatures from one or more people, you can do it quickly and automatically on PortalFlex®.
Our software allows the documents of a process to be signed with electronic signature or
digital certificate, ensuring legal validity.
Lear more
about Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).
Sign with or without Digital Certificate.

Welcome to the Paperless world
PortalFlex® is a robust and intelligent solution that prefers simplicity and applies technology in favor of reducing the bureaucracy of processes in a safe way and efficient.
Document Dematerialization
Convert physical documents to PDF. Ensure digital custody and destination of documents correctly obeying temporality tables.
Automatic capture of documents from other systems
PortalFlex® is able to capture any document generated from another system without the need for integration with the legacy system, providing access to data regardless of the platform or operating system used.
Success Case
Anglo American
One of the largest mining companies in the world and present in more than 15 countries with more than 90 thousand employees, AngloAmerican relies on PortalFlex to automate its processes.
1. The Problem (As-Is)
AngloAmerican has a large number of suppliers resulting in a high volume of data and document exchange. The flow of contract management was deficient, carried out practically manually.
Since the creation of the contracts, their processing between the various departments, approval of the documents and the collection of signatures, the average to accomplish the process was 20 days or more.
Contracts took days to be finished and various purchases and operational processes were impacted, such as purchases of trucks, project authorizations and purchase of materials, affecting several areas. Sometimes they were totally stopped waiting for the return of the manager from a trip or license.
The entire process was also carried out, for legal reasons, through printed documents and papers, generating a huge expense in the management, processing and storage of physical documents.
All documents are stored in the Aconex® Oracle® management system, requiring a large investment for integration, regardless of the solution adopted.
2. The Solution (To-Be)
After a detailed analysis of the problem, the design of the current flow (As-Is) was carried out, identifying all the existing steps in the current process. All areas involved were included for the correct mapping of the process.
Based on the current model (As-Is), a new operational flow (To-Be) was then developed for the processing of documents between departments and suppliers in order to correct and optimize the points identified with flaws.
In addition, the collection of signatures has been completely automated, allowing the signing of documents by Anglo managers using Digital Certificates. The suppliers, on the other hand, allowed the use of signatures with the use of Digital Certificates, as well as Electronic Signatures, in cases where the supplier does not have a certificate.
For the capture of documents stored in Oracle®, the Automatic Capture functionality present in PortalFlex® was used, allowing automatic and transparent integration in Oracle, eliminating the need for integration costs.
3. The Results
After the implementation and automation of the process, in just two weeks the average time for completion reduced from 25 days to just 3 days.
The time spent by managers approving and validating contracts and signatures has been reduced from a few hours to just a few minutes, thanks also to the use of the batch approvals and signatures provided by the new flow.
In 1 year in production, the system already has more than 3,000 processes processed electronically.
Several operational gains have been benefited together, since now purchases and forecasts of input deliveries can be accomplished in a much shorter time.
The physical file was replaced by the digital file, saving space, management and processing, in line with AngloAmerican's policies and environmental commitment.
Due to the success of the project, several other areas that were not foreseen initially started to take part and adopted the new flow, thus taking advantage of the same benefits of process automation provided by PortalFlex®.